Becoming a member of Aimhigher London

Impact and Research

Aimhigher London supports the government goal of improving social mobility, through opportunities to develop cultural capital, building employability skills and enabling access into and progression from higher education for disadvantaged groups

We are dedicated to ensuring our activities and programmes result in meaningful impact for the young people we work with and evidence social mobility

We deliver annual impact reports across our activities for our partners and funders, meeting national and institutional targets

If you would like to know more about our safeguarding and data protection policies, email us at


Benefits for higher education Members

Aimhigher London offers value for money, through collaborative and co-created programmes, delivering social mobility and meeting institutional targets to improve access and supporting social mobility

Becoming an Aimhigher London HEI member will offer:

  • Access to a higher volume of hard-to-reach young people including Care Experienced, Special Educational Needs and Disability, ethnically diverse groups, Polar 4 neighbourhoods quintiles 1 and 2, Gypsy, Roma Travellers and households with lower socio-economic status
  • Co-creation opportunities, delivering impartial advice and guidance on progression to teachers, learners and parents
  • Impact on attainment for pre-16 and access to post 16 potential applicants from underrepresented groups

Delivering Access and Participation Plans (APP) targets: 

  • Raising Attainment with pre-16’s
  • Advice on alternative pathways and opportunities
  • Evidence on what works
  • Reducing access gaps for young people to promote equality of opportunity

Benefits for Member Schools

Aimhigher London develops personalised and meaningful partnerships with our member schools, ensuring we identify and support those students who will benefit most from our progressive and sustained programmes

Becoming an Aimhigher London school member will offer:

  • Independent and impartial advice, guidance and career information about progression and successful transition into higher education for all students, irrespective of background
  • Participation on progressive and sustained programmes of activities for students, with traditionally lower progression rates into higher education
  • Opportunities for learners to gain cultural capital through visits
  • Programmes of support for parents and carers, to engender conversations about education pathways and raise awareness about higher education
  • Building understanding of barriers facing young people in relation to progression through CPD

Meeting School Career and Ofsted targets: 

  • Gatsby Benchmarks; 2, 3, 4 and 7
  • Ofsted Cultural Capital growth in young people

Benefits for Virtual Schools

Supporting virtual schools and advisors working with young people with experience in care to develop understanding of the specific barriers faced by care experienced learners when progressing and transitioning into university, and how to access support for and with them

Becoming a member of Aimhigher London Virtual School community will offer 

  • Access to networks and debate to encourage further thinking
  • Access to targeted professional development for your staff
  • Access to resources and opportunities for young people with care experience
  • Access to signposting to support your offer for young people in care environments
  • School Improvement Plans
  • Individual Educational Plans

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